2022 Fishing Ontario Regulations
It is important that everyone be familiar with the rules and regulations in place when fishing in Ontario. This is the complete document provided by the Government of Ontario.
Related links
New to the area? The government of Ontario has produced an interactive online map that shows you information about the bodies of water all around Ontario. You can find out things like lake size / depth, local regulations, locations of boat launches and types of fish present.
No body of water has a limitless supply of fish. Understanding this simple truth is vital to maintaining the high quality of fishing we all currently enjoy.
The NSSA encourages everyone fishing in the region to practice Live Catch & Release so future generations can enjoy what the region has to offer.
Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish
The Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish is published every two years by the Ministry of the Environment in co-operation with the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Staff at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of the Environment collect fish which are analyzed at the Ministry of the Environment laboratory in Toronto. The fish are analyzed for a variety of substances, including mercury, PCBs, mirex, DDT and dioxins. The 2011-2012 edition includes advice for sport fish from more than 1,950 lakes, rivers and streams around the province, incorporating approximately 60,000 test results performed on 10,000 fish samples.
The Sport Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program, which started in 1976, is the largest testing and advisory program of its kind in North America.