
If you fish the rivers and streams that feed Lake Superior you should become a member! There is no cost to becoming a member! If not for the determination of the NSSA the Rainbow Trout fishery would not be as healthy as it is today. The NSSA works hard at collecting science regarding Rainbow Trout in order to better understand the changes facing the fishery now and into the future.

The NSSA has invested numerous volunteer hours in planting trees, improving fish habitat and working to reverse the impacts of urban development and erosion. Join the NSSA to help us preserve and conserve our native fishery on the north shore of Lake Superior.

becoming A Member -

In order to become a member we will need your contact information. Please complete the following form.

Note: All membership information is considered to be confidential, and as such, the Club will not sell or distribute such information.

In Lieu of a membership fee we ask that you consider making a donation to the NSSA.

We are now accepting e-transfers

e-transfers sent to will be automatically deposited to the account of NORTH SHORE STEELHEAD ASSOCIATION at TD Canada Trust.

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PO Box 10237
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7E 6T7

(807) 475-7712
(807) 475-7712
