This unnamed creek, (referred to as Birch Beach Creek) is a cold-water stream which flows into Lake Superior approximately 35Km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario.The project site is located in the Township of Shuniah and flows under Birch Beach road and Hwy 11/17.

The Ministry of Transportation had completed the realignment of the creek during the construction of the new 4 lane highway, and while the MTO had done some effort to create a riparian zone this project rehabilitated the final 100 meters of the old highway area where the roadway and a culvert used to be.This project was done on Ministry of Transportation property and a permit and permission was obtained.Previous fish assessment done for the MTO indicated there were substantial number (~300) of Rainbow Trout Fry inhabiting the old crossing area.During the Superior Streams assessment electrofishing was only done upstream at the hydro line where 2 Brook Trout, 1 RBT yearling, and 10 RBT Juveniles were observed.

With the removal of both the old highway culvert and the vegetation along the streambanks where the new highway is located there was a loss of overhead cover and an increased potential for predation and increasing temperature.The objective of this project was to assist with the revegetation and stabilizing of the stream bank area.


PO Box 10237
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7E 6T7

(807) 475-7712
(807) 475-7712
